It was snack time for everyone. My host mom, brother and his wife. and four little ones from the family went to the beach on Sunday. We had a really fun time and I didn´t even get burnt (However I look a little more Nica now). The beach was amazing and the water was a perfect temperature.
These beautiful girls are the twins on the left and then Hazel´s sister to the direct left of me. The twins are 8 and Daniella is in 7th grade.

Yours truly... This was before I lost my lovely prescription sunglasses to the sea. Serves me right... I was looking way too cool for Nica standards with those babies on!
This is one of the beautiful sights at the beach looking out at the Pacific coast. We were one of two families that we saw all day. This is a wonderful beach and I would love to take anyone that comes down here.
After I was eaten alive by mosquitos the first night (go figure), I covered up a bit more the next night.

Alexis and her friends from the states. She is part of a NGO down here.
A sunset on Lake Nicaragua in the National Reserve.
The boat ride on Lake Nicaragua. It cost about $1.50
Joe (?), Clara (Argentina), and Steve (Michigan) enjoying a charla in Diriamba. This is where we usually have class on Wednesday afternoons, all day Friday, and Saturday morning.
Julie (Arizona), Jocelyn (?), Allison in green (Chicago), and Liz (Virginia)
Yours truly... This was before I lost my lovely prescription sunglasses to the sea. Serves me right... I was looking way too cool for Nica standards with those babies on!
Alexis and her friends from the states. She is part of a NGO down here.
This is Alexander playing baseball in the backyard. He is in high school, but only goes to school on Saturdays. They have to study independently and then go to class all day once a week.