This is a sign on the way to Jinotepe picturing Daniel Ortega. It is praising the fact that it has been 30 years since the Sandanistas took control from Somoza. The graffiti says ¨moclin¨, meaning dirty old man that touches little boys inappropriately. Ortega is definitely not loved by all.

This is our street with the pulperia (small store) on the corner. The guy in the Titan´s jersey is Raul, my host brother.

My host mom, Isolina and her granddaughter Mallerli (she´s four).

Our backyard is huge and contains tons of plants like peppers, bananas, yuca, oranges, etc. There are also medicinal plants. (try to ignore the undies on the line)

What I look at while brushing my teeth each morning and night.

We have two sinks outside and four washing areas. The one of the far left is where clothes are washed and I brush my face and teeth. The one with the red bucket is where the dishes are washed. The one you see on the far right is where shoes are washed. The one not pictured is for mops and other house cleaning uses.

My closet

My bed is covered with the mustard colored mosquito net. It takes up practically the entire room and I leave it up all the time. Before I go to bed and tuck it under my matress, I check to make sure nothing is in it. The net has been great for keeping the bugs away (I get bit less here than in TN).

The kitchen- we wash the dishes outside in the sink. You see the big jug of water... that´s for the gringa in the house. All my food and drink must be made with purified water.

My spot at the dining room table is the head spot. At first I felt REALLY weird about this, but now view it a bit differently. It is nice to be between the two people talking so that I can hear better and understand more conversation.

The front door and wall that seperates the dining room from the living room. My host dad built this house.

This is my host family´s house. Here we have the living room with tv, sofa, armchair, coffee table and 4 rocking chairs.

Behind and to the left of the people is a mototaxi. These go up and down the Panamerican Highway between Dolores and Jinotepe transporting people, people with sacks of potatoes or whatever, pigs, chickens, etc.

This is somewhat normal to see here- cart pulled by oxen or horses. Sometimes you´ll see a man pulling the cart.