Vaccine Day atschool- All students that were 13 years old had to get a shot. They stopped class and the two nurses took over. All the students were running around, crying, begging, hoping not to have to get it. Of course, that way my cue to bring out the camera and try to get them to smile a bit.
Some of the bigger boys in class. Uniforms are worn in school, unless the student doesn't have enough money to buy it.
Kinda looks like they have 5 arms. HAHAHA
These little guys were crackin' me up.
This little man was a bit too young to get the shot. But the nurse still gave him a card to be stamped so he could save it for next year.
Local Grafitti in Ocotal- "Ortega= Poverty, Unemployment"
Some students getting ready for a folkloric presentation at the Monday morning assembly at school.
August Regional VAC meeting. This is a mix of volunteers from Nueva Segovia and Madriz. The guy on the bottom right is the son of the Director of Peace Corps (Worldwide)
Steve's such a drunkard. Drinking orange juice with a beer label